Right now finding a good small business credit card company is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. To be honest with the credit card industry crumbling around us, settling on a small business credit card company is like taking a gamble.Bad news is all around for Credit card companies, here are some of the latest credit headlines.J.P. Morgan Chase Acquires Wamu.Advanta closes its doors on small business credit card holders. Advanta really put a hurt on small businesses as they lowered credit limits to the amount of the balance card holders carried. This credit lowering action by Advanta caused the lowering of credit scores of previous small business card holders. Small businesses were forced to try to find other solutions.HSBC The fifth largest bank in the world- Begin raking its customers over the coals with shady business practices and obtaining well over 80,000 in consumer complaints online.Card companies have been revoking earned airline miles, raising interest rates, and hitting consumers with unscrupulous charges to no avail lately.Visa and Mastercard seamed to have the market cornered for quite some time being accepted in more places, as they used to advertise. However, American Express and Discover card have had less consumer complaints against them - so far.It is obvious to me that the companies that our gouging card rates and charges are not worried about customer loyalty These Companies are either banking on having the market cornered (J.P.Morgan Chase) or clawing at the edges on their way down (HSBC Bank).It is quite evident that most Americans will seek out other sources of credit and it seams possible that those alternatives just may be the long time underdogs American Express and Discover. The game is not over yet. So it is still a roll of the dice to try to determine which small business credit card company deserves your patronage.
For more information For More information on Small Business Credit Cards visit Credit Card Money.
Sherri Myers
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