Government grants for small businesses are paid out like clockwork every year to those that take the time to apply for them. Large corporations and Fortune 500 companies take advantage of them year after year. Why not grab your piece of the pie and get your share of this vast, generous resource set up by the government?And with the new stimulus package signed by President Obama, the government is promising to hand out more money than ever, so now is the time to start learning about government grants for small businesses.If you are a U.S citizen, you can apply for a government grant for just about anything imaginable. What were going to talk about here today though, is government grants for small businesses.Many people do not know this, but there are no government grants for small business available from the federal government. However, the grant your looking to apply for is likely available right in your home state. There are numerous state agencies in each individual state that offer grants for small businesses, whether it is to start a brand new company, or provide financial assistance to an established business.The federal government does however offer small business loans through the SBA. They have some very attractive loan packages for starting or expanding businesses, so it is worth reviewing.Either way, if you haven't applied yet for any of the government grants for small businesses, you and your business could be losing out on lots of potential money the government is willingly giving away to other businesses. You can apply for multiple government business grants all at the same time, so be thorough in your research when determining which government grants you qualify for.
Writing government grants is a road not easily navigated alone.
To learn more about government grants for small businesses and how to get started writing your own government grants, go to:
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